intensives künstlerisches schaffen schon von kindheitsbeinen an.
ausstellungstätigkeit der abstrakten Malerei (1995-heute) im In- und Ausland
Mitglied bei IG Bildende Kunst und IAA (International Association of Art)
das malen – ein bewegliches lebenszeichen. nichts ist starr. ein bild verändert selbst als scheinbar fertiges werk weiterhin ständig die form.
es ist der moment, die tausendstel sekunde eines augenblicks –kurz die augen zu und alles hat sich verändert.
ich male keine vorgefertigten ideen, ich male aus der puren intension meines unvermögens – oder besser aus der sehnsucht nach dem leben selbst.
es ist die freiheit der farben und formen – die ins staunen versetzt, und neidvoll, ehrfürchtig auf dieses elementare sein blicken lässt. wie blutbahnen, wassertropfen, ölteppiche, die sich im licht ständig neu verfärben und unberechenbar ihre eigenwilligen bahnen ziehen.
intense artistic working since I was a kid. exhibitions of abstract paintings (1995-heute) in Austria and abroad Member of IAA – International Association of Art Figures, facts, reputatations, names und origins are not of any importance. I do paint colors, with passion, light and love and this is the point. I find the quality of the abstract in a droplet of water or in each breath of air. My colors, textures and forms are not just metaphors of a real world, they are real world. A world in which non-materiality and materiality, mind and body co-exist. I do not paint prepared ideas, I paint for the reason of the intention of my incapacity – or with better words for the reason of my yearning for pure life. Colors – floating, moving, melting, pausing, drying, crying, devouring each other – changing their form, meaning and appearance constantly – it is a moment, a thousand part of eternity – and everything can be different. Such as life itself, what is real world, what is imagination, no one can tell. But you are always aware of the dynamic process of the life itself, in its magnitude of variations and possibilities. It is the freedom of life, light and colors. It is the floating element which allows us to change immediately – whether by coincidence or destination – whatever – i believe in miracles which allow my paintings to twinkle and smile a big smile to their visitors and owners.
intense artistic working since I was a kid. exhibitions of abstract paintings (1995-heute) in Austria and abroad Member of IAA – International Association of Art Figures, facts, reputatations, names und origins are not of any importance. I do paint colors, with passion, light and love and this is the point. I find the quality of the abstract in a droplet of water or in each breath of air. My colors, textures and forms are not just metaphors of a real world, they are real world. A world in which non-materiality and materiality, mind and body co-exist. I do not paint prepared ideas, I paint for the reason of the intention of my incapacity – or with better words for the reason of my yearning for pure life. Colors – floating, moving, melting, pausing, drying, crying, devouring each other – changing their form, meaning and appearance constantly – it is a moment, a thousand part of eternity – and everything can be different. Such as life itself, what is real world, what is imagination, no one can tell. But you are always aware of the dynamic process of the life itself, in its magnitude of variations and possibilities. It is the freedom of life, light and colors. It is the floating element which allows us to change immediately – whether by coincidence or destination – whatever – i believe in miracles which allow my paintings to twinkle and smile a big smile to their visitors and owners.